Cascadia Steamworks offers specialty seasonal services which includes Ice Dam Removal to the Pacific NW as well as Snow Removal on the ground and roof top. Please contact us directly for current rates.
Safe and effective Ice Dam removal requires expertise and specialized equipment that is made specifically for removal of Ice Dams. There are many companies that may offer these services but may or may not utilize the proper equipment. Often times companies who advertise Ice Dam Removal Services use pressure washers and harmful equipment which can result in damaged roofs.
We are a member of the IDSAFE. (Ice Dam Steaming Association For Education) This means that our equipment is verified and inspected by the association and we follow a high set of industry standards maintained by the association. We are proud to use approved low pressure equipment and follow all safety measures to effectively and safely provide Ice Dam removal services in the Pacific NW region.
Cascadia Steamworks shares a passion with IDSAFE for education and providing a high standard of service. “We remove ice dams correctly every time with no exceptions. “
Cascadia Steamworks abides by the following standards in accordance with IDSAFE:
We never uses anything other than low pressure steam equipment to remove ice dams
We never use a trigger gun on an ice dam job
We do not use hammers or any form of impact force to remove ice from roofs
We do not scar the roof with the steam tip by leaving it in one place
All snow removal equipment such as shovels and roof rakes are plastic and not metal
We always shovel or rake the roof carefully and not do damage
We are honest and represent the Association with a professional nature
We only use steam equipment approved by IDSAFE
Steam equipment must always be up to temperature before steaming the roof
We practice safety at all times and avoid foolish mistakes that endanger life and property
We always use two people on every job site, one is not adequate to remove ice and attend to equipment.